HDB: the _hyperscript debugger

HDB is a tool for inspecting _hyperscript code. You can use it to run code one command at a time and inspect the environment at each step.

To start hdb, put the breakpoint command in your code:

def f_c
	log "enter f_c"
	log "exit f_c"

def f_b

This will cause the code execution to stop and the HDB panel to appear.


The HDB UI appears as a floating window.

The UI surfaces three features:

Evaluation panel

You can enter any _hyperscript expression, click "Go" (or press Enter) and its value will be displayed below.

When we write me.tagName in the eval panel, the output is "BODY".

Code view

This section shows the code that's currently executing. The command that's currently being executed is highlighted (when you first open the panel, this will be the breakpoint command). By clicking the Step Over button in the top toolbar, you can execute this command and move on to the next. When you're finished with debugging, or want to move on to the next breakpoint, press Continue to continue executing the remaining code normally.

"Debugging f_c()" -- we see the code for f_c, with f_b and f_a below

Context view

This section shows the local variables available to the currently executing code. You can click on any variable name to log that variable to the console.

HDB On The Console

When you start HDB, it will assign an object to the global scope with methods for inspecting the _hyperscript environment.


The current hyperscript context, an object containing the local variables.


The currently executing command.


Logs the currently executing command.


Executes the current command, then moves to the next.


Stops debugging and the program continues executing normally.