The js Feature (top-level)


js <js-body> end


Note: This page is about the top-level JS feature. _hyperscript also supports inline JS as a command, say, inside an event listener or function.

Top-level JavaScript can be used in a <script type=text/hyperscript> block, as shown:

    function regexFind(re, group, str) {
        return new RegExp(re).exec(str)[group];

    return { regexFind };

function declarations inside a JS block will be exposed to the global scope (let, var, const declarations will not be exposed). As a result, this function can then be used in _hyperscript code:

    on input call regexFind('(.*)\+.*@.*', 1, my.value"

If you don't want to expose all the functions, return an object containing those that you do want to expose:

    function regexExec(re, str) {
        return new RegExp(re).exec(str);

    function regexFind(re, group, str) {
        return regexExec(re, str)[group];

    return { regexFind };

js blocks can also be placed in workers:

worker MyWorker
        function _regexFind(re, group, str) {
            return new RegExp(re).exec(str)[group];
    def regexFind(re, group, str) return _regexFind(re, group, str) end

this inside a js block is the global scope (window, or self in workers).

Note on end

end cannot appear inside JS code as an identifier. However, it can appear in string literals ("end", 'end', not `end`).

Here are workarounds for some cases where you might need end in your JavaScript code:

// Don't:
var end = getTheEnd();
// Do:
var theEnd = getTheEnd();

// Don't:
// Do:

// Don't:
var template = `this can only end ${good ? "well" : "badly"}`;
// Do:
var template = `this can only ${"end"} ${good ? "well" : "badly"}`;

// Don't:
var regex = /end (.*)/;
// Do:
var regex = new RegExp("end (.*)");